Where to find the Stone Lord in Baldur's Gate 3

Publish date: 2024-04-10

Baldur's Gate 3 offers a rich world for players to explore and discover. Throughout your playthrough, you will visit several places, encounter many different problems, and meet plenty of people. Some can become companions, while a few others will require assistance. Several others will become enemies who will stop at nothing to prevent you from succeeding. Needless to say, there are a lot of interesting characters to meet in the game.

One of the most unique characters that you will have the pleasure of meeting during the course of the game is an individual known as Stone Lord. Upon first learning about Stone Lord, he will come across as a mystery, and you will be unsure of whether he is an ally or not.

If you are wondering where Stone Lord can be found in Baldur's Gate 3, check out this guide, as it will point you in the right direction.

Locating Stone Lord in Baldur's Gate 3

Stone Lord will be encountered in the Counting House (Image via Larian Studios)

The first time that you hear about the Stone Lord, you will have already reached the third act of Baldur's Gate 3. You will learn of an individual named Stone Lord from Nine-Finger Keene at the Guildhall. According to Keene, he is a leader of a gang that is doing the bidding for the Cult of the Absolute.

Keene will further reveal that her group already has a plan to lure out and ambush Stone Lord. This will eventually lead you to the Counting House in the Lower City. Upon arriving there and entering the vault, you will discover that Stone Lord himself is robbing the Counting House. However, he will escape before you can confront him.

After the Stone Lord escapes from the Counting House, your party will determine that he is hiding within the Lower City Sewers. To get there, enter the manhole at Bloomridge Park. Upon entering the manhole, head northwest until your party comes across a wooden bridge. Enter the door on the right side after crossing the bridge and keep going until you find another door right before a set of stone stairs. Entering this door will lead to the Abandoned Cistern where a puzzle will present itself.

Once the puzzle has been completed, a gate will open, and entering it will reveal Stone Lord’s hiding place. He will be conversing with a fake Jaheira. Stone Lord can become recruitable but only if Jaheira survives the events of Act 2 and if he survives the next encounter.

Meeting Stone Lord with Jaheira in your party

Jaheira's presence will alter the course of Stone Lord's fate in Baldur's Gate 3 (Image via Larian Studios)

During Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3, you will encounter the Half-elf Jaheira at the Last Light Inn. Her fate will be directly influenced by several decisions that you make during the game's second act, so she might not be available by the time Act 3 rolls around.

Should you successfully keep her alive and recruit her to your party, the quest for locating Stone Lord will be tied to Jaheira's quest, The High Harper. In this questline, you will learn that the Stone Lord is Jaheira's old friend, Minsc, and she will ask for your help in locating him. He will still be found in the Sewers, but this time, things can unfold differently.

If Stone Lord, aka Minsc, is neutralized in a non-lethal manner at the end of Jaheira's quest, then he can be recruited to join your party. However, killing him will cause Jaheira to leave permanently.

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