Where is Jesse Winnick now? Whereabouts explored ahead of Evil Lives Here on ID

Publish date: 2024-05-26

It didn't take long for Jesse Winnick to confess to fatally stabbing his 55-year-old mother in their Calabasas home on September 25, 2007. Jesse resided with his younger sister Amy Chesler and mother Hadas at the time of the crime and admitted that he stabbed the victim when she asked him to clean up after he made a sandwich.

He then told his sister, "Don't come home. I killed mum," over a call. Amy returned home to find their mother dead in the kitchen with a knife sticking out of her neck. Jesse then fled the scene but was arrested within hours.

According to reports, Jesse Winnick pleaded no contest to second-degree murder and was given 15 years to life in prison. He is currently serving time at the California State Prison in Los Angeles County.

ID's Evil Lives Here is scheduled to revisit the case involving Jesse Winnick in an episode titled What if He Gets Out? The synopsis for the episode reads:

"When Amy Chesler calls 911 to report what her brother, Jesse Winnick, has confessed to, she doesn't know whether to believe him; Jesse's always been a liar, and Amy doesn't understand what he is capable of until she walks in and sees it for herself."

What if He Gets Out? will air on the channel this Tuesday, May 2, at 7:00 pm ET.

Jesse Winnick was found mentally incompetent to stand trial before pleading no contest in his mother's stabbing death

Jesse Winnick, 29, pleaded no contest to second-degree murder on September 28, 2011, for repeatedly stabbing his mother in the chest with a butcher knife inside their Calabasas home. He was given 15 years to life in prison for the murder of his 55-year-old mother, Hadas Winnick, a math teacher at Canoga Park High School.

According to the California Department of Corrections website, Jesse is currently serving time at the California State Prison in Los Angeles County.

Hadas Winnick, a divorced mother-of-two and local maths teacher of 30 years, was fatally stabbed at her family's house in the 3800 block of Declaration Avenue near Mulholland Highway. Amy, the victim's daughter, received a phone call from her brother, who urged her not to come home because he had just murdered their mother.

Jesse Winnick's younger sister Amy Chesler, who worked as a teacher, initially thought the call was a sick joke until she found Hadas' body herself. She reportedly returned home to find their mother lying in a pool of her own blood in the kitchen with a knife sticking out of her neck and multiple stab wounds to the chest.

According to the Sheriff's Department, Jesse then fled the crime scene in his mother's car before abandoning it later that night and getting into a 2007 Range Rover driven by an unidentified man. The car was eventually pulled over by deputies near Ventura Boulevard and De Soto Avenue. Jesse was hiding in the back seat of the vehicle and was only coaxed out of the vehicle after half an hour.

He was charged with the crime that same night but was found mentally incompetent to stand trial on March 26, 2010, before pleading no contest to second-degree murder more than a year later.

Learn more about the case on Evil Lives Here on ID this Tuesday at 7 pm ET.

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