What is the best way to setup an enchanting table in Minecraft? (2022)

Publish date: 2024-05-03

An enchanting table is one of the most useful items in Minecraft. With this special block, players can enchant various tools, weapons, armor, and more. This helps them strengthen their gear to survive in difficult situations.

The game has an extensive system of enchanting items. There are many factors and conditions that apply while players enchant their gear. Once an enchanting table is set up properly, they can get the maximum level of enchantment and become powerful.

However, several new players might be confused as to how to set it up in the best way.

Ideal way to set up an enchanting table in Minecraft (2022)

Things to have before setting up

Crafting recipe (Image via Minecraft)

First, players must have all the required blocks to build the table setup. To craft the table itself, they must have a book, two diamonds and four obsidian blocks. Along with this, players must have bookshelves that can be crafted with wood planks and books.

If they are aiming to get the best setup for enchanting their items, they should have atleast 15 bookshelves.

How to setup the table in the best way

Some of the bookshelves design (Image via Minecraft)

First, players can place the table in the middle so that it has two blocks of space around it. After this, they need to place the bookshelves around the enchanting table. Furthermore, there should be one block of space between the table and bookshelves for the setup to work.

There are several ways to design the table setup to reach the maximum level of enchanting level. The main point that players need to remember is that the bookshelves should not be placed farther or nearer than one block away from the table, and they can only stack two blocks high.

The table should also be surrounded from at least three sides.

Enchanting UI (Image via Mojang)

After this, players can use the table to enchant their items at the maximum level. They must also have more than 30 XP points and enough lapis lazuli to unlock the most powerful enchants on the table.

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