The Whole Plus Size/Curvy Debate

Publish date: 2024-06-03

The word "fat" (in terms of describing a person) comes with very negative connotations for both genders, but for women especially. Society is still not nice to big women. It is hard to get past that. Some of these women may have grown up being called fat and circumstances led to the word being associated with poor treatment and awful feelings.

So, at what point, during THEIR ENTIRE LIFE, should they have FUCKING DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT

Ho-ly-SHIT man, there are more *****es in this thread than a fuckin' strip club. (What I imagine one to be, still haven't ever been).

Everyone can stop acting dense, and put away their white knight armour. All you damn well know what Alex is talking about, and he is right. When soceity, by and LARGE says "curvy" they do NOT mean fat girls, however, fat girls, in there forever mission of avoiding accountability for their own condition, try to lump themselves into this category. To sit and say that the difference is based only on Alex's interpretation is fucking ******ed, and you all damn well know it. I suppose me reffering to the Great Khali as "tall" is my own personal interpretation too, then yea? The term "curvy" is very well generally understood to describe girls with the physiques of

Kate Upton, The Kardashians, Mickie James, (for you porn peeps out there) Mason Moore, Christy Mack, Gianna Micheals, ETC. Its is used to describe enhanced, decidedly feminine features, such as hips, butt, thighs, breasts, and usually, a soft (not RIPPED, but not fat) stomach. To act aloof to this makes you look like an idiot.

When the HELL did pulling the "judging" card become the go-to defense for people who are wizard-sleeve sized *****es? It feels like these days, "judging" someone for their abhorrent behaviour or health is worse than THE ACTUAL NEGATIVE HABITS that were addressed!!

If being classed as FAT is so negative and hurtful, then stop blaming everyone else for being such meanies, and put the accountability on yourself to CHANGE IT. Dont use excuses, dont put the responsibility on anyone else to be nice to you, fucking DO something. Our own admin didn't like his weight, but instead of getting mad at EVERYONE ELSE, he got up, and went for walks on his little crippled-ass ankles. I am sure he doesn't look like Rick Rude at this point, but he didnt put the responsibility on everyone ELSE.

Curvy is curvy. Fat is fat. Stop trying to lump them when there IS, in fact, a VERY clear distinction, and trying to blame anyone who mentions the difference, instead of encouraging those who fall into a group they do not like to make the changes necessary.
