Star: clingy Cameron Diaz makes Adam Levine meet her mom day after first date

Publish date: 2024-04-19

Adam Levine of Maroon 5

Sometimes, when I’m reading an interview or a tabloid report about Cameron Diaz, I wonder if she’s really the ball-busting feminist, the good-time girl or the needy, clingy wreck that people make her out to be. Perhaps she’s multi-faceted, and she carries all of those qualities. I have no idea, but I tend to think she’s probably not the relationship wreck some people make her out to be. I think she’s probably self-absorbed and narcissistic (who isn’t?), she likes boys and doesn’t take her relationships seriously, which is probably why she goes through men like water.

But this latest report from Star Magazine is too funny to pass over. It’s about how Cameron is destroying her “relationship” with Maroon 5’s Adam Levine before it’s even started. Apparently, they were set up on a blind date, lunch at the Chateau Marmont. It went well, and they liked each other. Cut to the next day, when “clingy” Cameron drops in on Adam unannounced – with her mother. To go from first date to meeting-the-parents within 24 hours is epic. So funny:

Cameron Diaz… is certainly not shy about going after a guy she wants! The star, who just split from Brit model Paul Sculfor, has now set her sight on Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine.

[Though] the two seemed into each other while lunching at LA’s Chateau Marmont on May 16 after being set up by mutual pals, insiders say Cameron’s clinginess is already driving Adam away!

“It’s how she gets with every man. When Cameron likes someone, she smothers him,” a friend tells Star.

“She and Adam have only had a few dates, but she’s constantly calling and texting him.”

Adds another insider “She even changed her cell’s ringtone to Maroon 5’s song “She Will Be Loved” and got really embarrassed when it went off in front of him.”

[Cameron] is intent on getting plenty of face time with Adam. The day after their Chateau Marmont outing, “Adam was there again, and Cameron popped in with her mom, Billie. They didn’t have a planned date. Cameron just showed up because she knew he was going to be there!” says the insider.

Despite her best efforts, Cameron is unlikely to tame playboy Adam, who previously loved and left Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton and Kirsten Dunst. “Adam was flattered at first by Cameron’s attention, and he’s had a good time with her,” says the insider.

“But I don’t think he’s in it for the long term. He’s already feeling like it’s all too much.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, June 8 2009]

I liked “She Will Be Loved” the first dozen times I heard it, but after that, Adam’s falsetto gave me a headache. To choose that as your ringtone? Come on, Cameron. Get it together, girl. And what is with Cameron going for guys with the falsetto (Justin Timberlake)? Does that qualify as a fetish?

Back to Cameron and her “clinginess” – I’m still not sure if I buy it. There were some rumors when she was with Timberlake that she was a mess, really stressed out and worried about her career and their relationship. But every time I saw Cameron talk about Justin, she seemed to be the one in control, and it seemed genuine to me. Could it be that Cameron is just going through a difficult time right now, and she’s trying to force a relationship with Adam? Or is this report total crap?

Here’s Cameron at the Spirit Awards in Santa Monica on February 21st. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
