Set Your Alarms! Little Mix Will Be Releasing The Secret Love Song Video In THREE Days!

Publish date: 2024-05-27

Hold your horses! Little Mix have just announced that their new smash hit ‘Secret Love Song’ will have a music video release in THREE days!

Check out the confirmed tweet via the girl groups Twitter account below!

? NEW VIDEO ALERT ? The #SecretLoveSongVideo will be live on @Vevo_UK in 3 days! The Girls x

— Little Mix (@LittleMix) January 25, 2016

The music video is said to feature different types of couples such as interracial, same-sex, and straight! We’re thinking this video is set to be as iconic as Christina Aguilera’s music video for her big LGBT anthem ‘Beautiful’.

Wherever you are in the world, make sure you check out the video in 3 days! Set your alarms so YOU can be one of the first ones to view Little Mix’s next piece of beautiful artwork. We already have 20 alarms set so we advise you to be ready OR BE SQUARE!

Set Your Alarms! Little Mix Will Be Releasing The Secret Love Song Video In THREE Days! 1

And we all know Little Mixers aren’t squares – you all are Little Mix FABULOUS! So with that all being said, on a scale from 1 to 10, how excited are you for the new music video?

We’re not even on the scale actually – we’re at a rating of ONE MILLION at the moment so you could imagine how excited we’ll be when it’s released WORLDWIDE! *wink wink*

Tweet us on Twitter @CelebMix and give us your excitement rating!
