Married at First Sight star Ryan Gallagher strips for nude photoshoot

Publish date: 2024-05-06

CHRISTMAS has come early for anyone who drooled over Ryan on Married At First Sight.

The man who was infamously cucked by Dean Wells on the show when his bride Davina Rankin cheated on him, has gone nude for a shoot with NW Magazine.

With nothing but a golden Easter egg covering his nether regions, Ryan leaves little to the imagination in photos that will likely set his DMs into overdrive with the amount of messages he’ll get following their release.

According to New To Love, the original egg that was sourced for the shoot wasn’t big enough to cover Ryan completely, forcing an assistant to go to the shops to buy another, larger “NRL football-sized egg”. You have our attention now.

Speaking to NW about who he told first about the shoot, Ryan has said it was none-other than his family.

“I’ve told my mum and dad. I told Mum the egg broke, and how my towel dropped and everyone saw everything,” he said. “She was laughing her head off!”

The consummate professional hottie, he also divulged his attitudes on nudity. Unsurprisingly, the incredibly fit tradie is very comfortable with it.

He wisely points out that, after all, we are all born naked, saying: “I mean, you’re born [naked] and you’ll probably finish that way.” So true.

He went on: “Nudity’s not a bad thing ... But I’m not shy, I never have been. You gotta be comfortable with nudity.”

Since leaving the show, Ryan has enjoyed rising popularity among audiences and elaborated on the messages he’s been receiving via Instagram from his many admirers.

Telling NW of the direct messages: “There’s a few in there ... I have had a few that say, ‘Marry me’, so there have been some. I can’t reply, because one: I don’t have the time, and two: I don’t want to lead anyone on.”

Looks good naked. is a gentlemen and importantly — he’s still single.

“I hope to be with someone by next year, so I’m looking to find someone as soon as possible, fingers crossed.”

Good luck, ladies.
