Loni Love Sheds Light On This Rather Odd Situation With BF James Welsh In New Video Fans Want He

Publish date: 2024-04-23

It has been around one year since Loni Love and James Welsh started dating, and things between them seem to be going rather well for the most part.

However, one thing has stuck out like a sore thumb so far — the fact that Love has not met Welsh’s children and grandchildren yet.

That is something that has generated a lot of discussions online, with many of Love’s fans questioning what was going on behind the scenes, and what the reason for this kind of decision might be.

Some of Love’s fans have also shared some rather racist remarks about her situation, questioning why she would date a white man.

Love has fired back at those commenters, pointing out that people of mixed races dating is not something that started happening yesterday.

She said: “It took me a while to meet him. Like, maybe two months. He was very consistent… I was down to my final two; it was a championship, right. The final one, he just wouldn’t ask me on a date. So, James stepped right in.”

She added: “It took me a while to meet him. Like, maybe two months. He was very consistent… I was down to my final two; it was a championship, right. The final one, he just wouldn’t ask me on a date. So, James stepped right in.”

As for the situation with Welsh’s children, Love explained that it was her own fear of meeting them that had prevented this from happening so far.

According to the actress and comedian, she was aware of the fact that the kids knew exactly who she was and what kind of personality she had from seeing her on TV all the time, and this put her in an uncomfortable spot.

She said on The Real: “I haven’t met James’ grandkids. No, I haven’t met the kids yet either. Yeah, but I ain’t ready yet [..] they see me on TV every day they know my personality.”

However, she will obviously have to revisit her stance sooner or later, at least if she wants to keep pushing her relationship with Welsh in the right direction.


Many fans say it would be strange for her never to meet his children while she is getting more serious with their father, and many of her fans seem to agree as well.
