How to get Glam Makeup Kit in Merge Mansion

Publish date: 2024-04-29

Merge Mansion, developed by Metacore, is an online puzzle game that can be played on Android and iOS. The objective of the game is to repair and renovate a broken-down family estate, as players are tasked with creating various tools and items by merging them to create more items that are used for different tasks in the game.

Players take on the role of Maddie, a woman who inherits a large family estate that was previously owned by her grandmother Ursula. Driven by an interesting narrative, Maddie must set out to discover hidden secrets and mysteries about the mansion and her family's history. Players will be able to uncover those secrets through progression as they complete different tasks and keep unlocking new areas.

Maddie is the central character of Merge Mansion (Image via Metacore)

The objectives and tasks of Merge Mansion are carried out by "merging" renovation tools, gardening equipment, and other items together on a game board to form additional items that will be required to complete certain tasks and so on. Considering that the game is narrative-driven, players will have to give equal focus to the storyline along with the completion of all tasks.

On February 3, 2023, the developers dropped the Valentine's Day Event 2023 as part of their new update (23.01.01), which added a new area (Lighthouse) to the game. The ongoing event is expected to stay online until February 20, 2023 and has added several new items, including the Glam Makeup Kit.

A guide to obtaining the Glam Makeup Kit in Merge Mansion

As mentioned above, the Glam Makeup Kit is part of the Valentine's Day Special Event, which can be accessed in the Calendar section. However, it must be noted that you'll only be able to access this event if you're at level 12 or higher.

Upon entering the game board, a Glam Makeup Kit will already be available to help fuel the Spa Day Voucher. To receive additional kits, you will have to merge two Euphoria Eye Shadow Level 5 to create a Rendezvous Makeup Set Level 6. Once you reach this stage, the two protagonists will have a conversation that's shown below:

A conversation between Maddie and Ursula (Image via Merge Mansion Fandom)

After waiting for your energy to refill, tapping on the Rendezvous Makeup Set will drop a Glam Makeup Kit, which can be used to further fuel the Spa Day Voucher. Using this, you can complete all the required tasks as part of the event and any unused Glam Makeup Kits can be sold for one Gold Coin each.

Clearly, obtaining the Glam Makeup Kit is a simple process and is extremely useful for completing various tasks. The Valentine's Day Event provides an interesting extension to the storyline and is one of the best ways to earn plenty of rewards that will help you progress through the main story faster.

Merge Mansion is a fairly popular game and is enjoyed by fans across the world for its engaging gameplay and storyline. Additionally, the developers regularly update the game with different events that further add onto the storyline while helping players earn more rewards to progress through the game easily.

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