Genshin Impact 3.5 livestream summary

Publish date: 2024-04-15

During the Genshin Impact 3.5 Special Program on February 17, 2022, many details regarding the next version update were unveiled, including information on character banners and events that players can anticipate. The 3.5 patch is scheduled to be launched on February 28 or March 1, depending on where the player is.

Named Windblume's Breath, it will mark the commencement of the Mondstadt region's Windblume Festival. This will be the primary event in the update. Additionally, the upcoming version's two phases will present a host of fan-favorite characters. This article provides a summary of all the important things addressed during the livestream.

Genshin Impact 3.5: Redemption codes, banners, events, and more

HoYoverse made several major and minor announcements during the livestream for version 3.5. This includes banners and events in the upcoming patch. Moreover, they also offered redemption codes as well as information regarding certain quests.

Redemption codes

As always, HoYoverse has released redemption codes for players to earn several rewards, including the much-valued Primogems.

The ones that were offered are as follows:

Banners, characters, and weapons

In the first phase of version 3.5 of Genshin Impact, Dehya will make her debut as a Pyro Claymore wielder. During her banner time, which she will share with Cyno, players will have the opportunity to obtain her. It is worth mentioning that the latter character is making a reappearance after only four patches since his initial release.

Furthermore, Dehya will be included in the Standard Banner from Genshin Impact 3.6 onwards, making her the second five-star Pyro character available in the game's permanent pool alongside Diluc. This means that even after her banner period ends, players will still be able to obtain her by using the wishes they acquire in-game.

This addition to the permanent pool provides another opportunity for gamers to acquire a Pyro character, which can be useful in many in-game situations.

In the second phase of Genshin Impact 3.5, players will have the chance to obtain Shenhe during her long-awaited first rerun banner, which will be joined by Kamisato Ayaka, who will also be making a comeback after almost a year. Both these characters are five-star Cryo entities that are highly sought after due to their unique abilities and appearances.

Moreover, players can also look forward to the four-star Cryo Mika, a polearm bearer. With his arrival, players will have yet another powerful character of this element at their disposal, who can also be useful in exploration.

Overall, the second phase of Genshin Impact 3.5 is expected to be an exciting one for players, as it will introduce or bring back a range of popular and highly desired characters. Whether gamers are looking to round out their team with a powerful Cryo entity or simply expand their collection, the upcoming patches will offer plenty of opportunities to do both.

Archon and story quests

Snapshot of upcoming Archon quest trailer (Image via HoYoverse)

A new Archon quest is finally being added to Genshin Impact after a long time. It will feature Dainsleif and Kaeya, along with some Khaenri'ah content. As usual, it will be important in the Traveler's pursuit to find their sibling. Players are eagerly waiting for some important revelations in the upcoming arc.

Additionally, a new story Quest for Dehya will be made available, along with a Hangout Series for Faruzan.

Windblume Festival, and other events

The upcoming Genshin Impact patch, as indicated by its official title Windblume's Breath, is set to commemorate the second edition of the Windblume Festival - one of the most significant events in Mondstadt. Notably, its rewards will include a new free four-star Claymore, along with a lot of Primogems, which players can acquire by participating in the festivities.

Events in Genshin Impact 3.5 will include new ones and reruns (Image via HoYoverse)

Overall, this event promises to be a grand celebration of Genshin Impact, with plenty of fun activities and rewards for gamers to enjoy. With the inclusion of fresh and returning events, players can expect to spend many hours immersed in the game's festive atmosphere.

Other events in the update will include a rerun of the Spices from the West and Fungus Mechanicus, along with a new one involving Vibro-crystal Verification. Additionally, the Ley-Line Overflow will be back.

Lastly, the Special Program announced that all players will receive one free Intertwined Fate for each Archon Quest they complete, which can be exchanged through the game's Adventure Book feature. This will apply to all old Archon missions completed by gamers, as well as the upcoming ones. The addition of this feature will surely delight several old and new Genshin Impact players.

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