5 best Genshin Impact 3.8 Spiral Abyss teams based on usage and success rates

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Akasha Database is a website that has compiled the most successful Spiral Abyss teams for Genshin Impact 3.8. This article will list the five most popular ones for the reader's convenience. A few hundred different players' records were listed on that site, so there's a good sample size to analyze. Note that the information provided below was about data last updated on July 22, 2023, in China.

Remember, the most used teams aren't always the ones with the highest star clear rate. All this data is also only for Floor 12. Other floors are not represented in this list, but it should be mentioned that anybody who can beat Floor 12 should have already done the previous Floors thus far.

Top five Spiral Abyss teams for Genshin Impact 3.8 based on appearance rate

5) Xingqiu + Kuki Shinobu + Nahida + Alhaitham

A solid Hyperbloom team (Image via HoYoverse)

Battle Count: 336

Full Star Rate: 89.88%

First/Second Half Ratio: 10:90

The first composition on this list is a Hyperbloom team that includes the most popular character for Genshin Impact 3.8's Spiral Abyss: Nahida. She and Alhaitham are phenomenal Dendro characters and contribute significantly to this team's damage. Xingqiu and Kuki Shinobu are among the most popular 4-stars for this content because of their great utility.

One interesting thing is that this team has the most mixed first and second-floor ratio on this list, even if it's still a one-sided 10:90 ratio. Everything listed below is even more lopsided.

4) Xiangling + Xingqiu + Bennett + Raiden Shogun

Raiden National (Image via HoYoverse)

Battle Count: 360

Full Star Rate: 90.56%

First/Second Half Ratio: 8:92

Raiden National teams are a common sight in the top five lists regarding Spiral Abyss team appearance or usage rates. One reason for this team's popularity is that it only requires one 5-star. Three members (Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett) are all easy-to-get 4-star characters that are obtainable for free via Starglitter Exchange every few months.

Raiden Shogun might be a 5-star, but she's one of the most popular characters in the game. Her banners have historically sold very well, so it means many players will likely have her. It also helps that Raiden National does very well in Genshin Impact 3.8's current Floor 12 lineup and will likely continue to be meta-relevant in future Spiral Abysses.

3) Xingqiu + Zhongli + Hu Tao + Yelan

A classic Hu Tao team (Image via HoYoverse)

Battle Count: 388

Full Star Rate: 96.91%

First/Second Half Ratio: 5:95

Hu Tao teams are well-known for being incredibly valuable for any content that involves DPS checks. Zhongli's shields are the best in Genshin Impact 3.8, which helps protect Hu Tao's high-risk playstyle. Yelan and Xingqiu have a fantastic Hydro application, which allows triggering Vaporize Elemental Reactions.

On a related note, this team actually has the highest full star rate on this top five, according to Akasha Database. It is also one of three compositions in the top five most used comps that involve Xingqiu.

2) Ayaka + Kazuha + Kokomi + Shenhe

Another common lineup for clearing Spiral Abyss Floor 12 in various iterations (Image via HoYoverse)

Battle Count: 491

Full Star Rate: 93.28%

First/Second Half Ratio: 98:2

This team comp has nothing but 5-star characters, meaning a lot of players might struggle to build it. However, the success of Ayaka, Kazuha, Kokomi, and Shenhe put together means that several players still use this team comp to the point of making it one of the most popular options in Genshin Impact 3.8's Spiral Abyss.

It also has the most lopsided first and second-half ratios on this list, as ~98% of people in Akasha Database's sample used this team to clear the first half.

1) Xiangling + Bennett + Tartaglia + Kazuha

Childe International (Image via HoYoverse)

Battle Count: 533

Full Star Rate: 96.06%

First/Second Half Ratio: 93:7

Childe International is a staple for completing Spiral Abyss's Floor 12 across several Version Updates. It's no different in Genshin Impact 3.8. The aforementioned Xiangling and Bennett are here alongside Tartaglia and Kazuha. Tartaglia has excellent Hydro DMG that synergizes with the rest of the team, while Kazuha can shred Elemental RES while having a huge Elemental Burst.

The high full-star rate also shows how successful this team is in Genshin Impact 3.8's Spiral Abyss. Anybody with these four units can reliably use them in future content, too, making building these characters a great investment.

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