21 Savages Rep Speaks On His Behalf Here Is The Latest Information Available About The Tricky

Publish date: 2024-05-05

21 Savage’s future in America may be uncertain at the moment but the rapper wants to make things clear — he was born in the U.K but moved here when he was merely 7-years-old. Additionally, reports claim that his immediate family has legal status.

In the latest update, 21’s representatives clear up the rumors that he came here when he was 12 and just overstayed his visa. What really happened was that he was brought to the country when he was 7. Years later he traveled back to the U.K for one month to visit and then returned to the US where he lost his legal status in 2006.

Once the rapper found out that he would require a visa to stay in the states, he applied for one back in 2017.

The statement from his reps partially read: “Mr. Abraham-Joseph has three U.S. Citizen children, a lawful permanent resident mother and four siblings that are either US Citizens or lawful permanent residents. He has exceptionally strong ties in the United States, having lived here since he was in the first grade. Because of his length of residence in the United States and his immediate relatives, Mr. Abraham-Joseph is eligible to seek Cancellation of Removal from an Immigration Judge.”

It goes on to say: “Mr. Abraham-Joseph was placed into deportation proceedings AFTER his arrest, he was not in deportation proceedings prior to this detention by ICE. DHS has known his address since the filing of a U visa application in 2017. He has never hidden from DHS or any of its agencies. Mr. Abraham-Joseph is not subject to mandatory detention under federal law and is eligible for bond. By statute, bond should be granted by ICE when there is no flight risk or a danger to the community… We are unaware of why ICE apparently targeted Mr. Abraham-Joseph, but we will do everything possible to legally seek his release and pursue his available relief in immigration court.”


It was revealed that 21 Savage spends 23 hours in a cell and only has one hour out. However, hearing about the support from so many fans and colleagues — the father of three’s spirits were lifted immediately.
